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Andrea Lewis is a Certified Spiritual Medium, Priestess, Akashic Records Ancestral Healing Practitioner, Certified Soul Realignment Practitioner, Certified Empowerment Coach, Radio Show Host and Author.

At a young age, Andrea always took time to listen to people of all walks of life. Drama, dysfunction and mental illness shaped her childhood into adulthood. After twelve years as a Senior Desktop Publisher Andrea resigned and self-published her memoir. She is the Author of Dramaville is not a place; it’s a state of mind. Andrea chronicles her journey on how she went from self-destruction to self-love and re-awakened her intuitive gifts.

Andrea’s desire to help empower women, then led her to become a Certified Empowerment Coach from The S.W.A.T Institute. She has mentored women to move past their fears and reclaim their feminine power. 

After experiencing spontaneous past-life memories, Andrea searched for answers in the Akashic Records. Not only did she discover fears from countless traumatic past-lives, she also inherited fears from her parents and ancestors that were hindering her paths progress. 

She is an Ancestral Healing Practitioner and has helped women clear unwanted ancestral influences, end repeated patterns and experience a newfound freedom.

Following her intuition, Andrea left everything behind to travel on a spiritual pilgrimage to England. When she visited sacred sites where she had a successful past-life as a Priestess, she reclaimed that part of herself—an initiate of the Celtic Goddess Morrigan.

This led Andrea to fulfill a deeper calling to bring forth ancient wisdom and spiritual teachings. She is a Certified Spiritual Medium from the James Van Praagh School Of Mystical Arts. Andrea’s experience in transforming her dysfunctional relationship with her father in spirit to love and becoming her spirit guide, has inspired Andrea to specialize in reconciliation and forgiveness between loved ones on earth and their family members in spirit.

When Andrea is not healing others, she is meditating, practicing yoga, having dance parties, drawing, reading and walking in nature.